Monday, November 23, 2009

Christmas Countdown Coming Dec 1st

How great is this! Lisa over at Ten Two Studios is having another countdown...where you can download a free sheet of images each day from December 1st through Christmas. What a great gift. I love her stuff and in the past have used some of the countdown images in my work.

So mark your calendars for December 1st and don't forget to go to this site every day to get your free goodies. Merry Christmas to you and me!

Monday, November 16, 2009

What I have been doing lately

I have been spending a good bit of time lately working on Christmas projects which I cannot reveal right now. LOL

I also crocheted around some pillowcases for my sister-in-law Lyndy. She and my brother have the Triangle Ranch B&B and, of course, use vintage style linens in their guest rooms.